Top Million-Dollar $5 Coins: A Guide to the Rarest and Most Valuable U.S. Coins

Introduction The crown jewels of American numismatics, $5 gold pieces rank at the highest point in the rarest form of the most interesting coinage in rare coins. Known among collectors as Half Eagles, they have captured imaginations and fetched great prices at auctions held throughout the United States. Some of the rarest pieces have sold … Read more

Rare Bicentennial Quarter Estimated at Nearly $311,111 and 6 More Coins Valued Over $81,111

Collecting coins isn’t just about enjoying history and beauty; This also includes the thrill that comes from discovering a coin that is actually worth more than its face value. Among the many types of coins, certain coins, particularly the quarters minted in the US Bicentennial year, stand out for their rarity and high value. In … Read more